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NCU Indonesian Alumni Club

The Club started

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On February 28th, the Club inaugurated its activities - for now in Toruń. The meeting at the NCU Copernican Integration Center was attended by 12 people, including six graduates and students from Indonesia.

Renata Lesner, a graduate of ethnology,  known to many Indonesians and whose life has been linked with Indonesia, was also a guest at the meeting.  NCU employees dealing with foreign recruitment and the Alumni Programme were also present.  
Participants were introduced to the current offer of the Alumni  Program and informed about the intention to include foreign graduates in the program, starting with Indonesians. The Club's website was also shown, featuring a profile of Piotr Śmieszek, a graduate of our University who lives in Indonesia, where he promotes Polish history and culture.

Proposals regarding the Club’s activities in Poland, which had been submitted in a previously completed survey, were discussed and persons responsible for their implementation were selected. These proposals included promoting the University through social media,  and organising/participating in multicultural events to promote Indonesian culture in Poland.

 The guests of the second part of the meeting were NCU graduates - representatives of the Ethnographic Museum in Toruń, who presented the idea of ​​the annual event "Exchange of traditions" and proposed the participation of Indonesians from NCU in this year's edition (June 15th).  As an incentive, they engaged the meeting participants in a short interaction based on traditional Polish games and songs. The Indonesians expressed initial interest in participating in the event.

The last point of the meeting was the selection of the Club's animator. Zahira Rufaida (Global Change Biology 2023) agreed to perform this function.

The next meeting - in a hybrid version - is scheduled for Saturday, April 5:
- on site at 12:00
- on line at 01:00 PM (Polish time).


Fot. Anna Bielawiec-Osińska, Kinga Nemere-Czachowska

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